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Shop Description

Global Runway is an online distributor of Moirai recording microphones based in Windhoek, Namibia.

Payment Policy

Cash payments are welcome for customers who pick up with us in Windhoek, or clients who have their items delivered in Windhoek. Clients outside of Windhoek will make payment in advance.

Delivery Policy

Windhoek based clients will receive their goods on the same day, or the next business day (if order has been processed after 3PM). Customers outside of Windhoek will receive goods in 2-3 business days via Hardap Freight Services, and customers outside of Namibia will have their goods delivered via Nampost Couriers and can take 5 to 8 business days.

Refund Policy

We offer a 30 day return policy for goods which are not in working condition, at which we will gladly refund or replace the item.

Seller Info

Feel free to reach out to us directly on 0812095185.